Thursday, March 4, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- Week of March 1, 2010

Well, this is only 4 days late...I haven't done that in a while!
Our lives have been completely crazy lately.
We were ALL sick at the same time....
yes ALL puking with the stomach virus...
it was like there was no one around to help us...
we were all just fending for ourselves.

Then the girls got colds and I got a sinus infection....

now, I have Shingles, yes Shingles...

its something that usually affects 60+ year olds, and I have it!!!
The meds prescibed to me cost $500 so I am doing a regiment of natural herbs and salves to try to heal internally.

I am going to do a post and let you know how healing Shingles naturally works! It only cost me about $100 for all of the supplements and herbs I bought, a lot less than $500.

All that being said, it is obvious to me that we are run down as a family, and me especially. In my last menu plan, I talked about the movie Food, Inc and the Book Real Food....

I have never been more inspired to continue
on in my journey to better equip my family through nutrition.

I recently found an organic farm Co-op that has everything I am looking for...
Organic Chickens
Grass Fed Beef
Raw Milk
Raw Cheeses
and many many other wonderful things!!

The farm is Miller's Organic Farm,
and visiting their site will give you an idea of the next level
I am looking for with my family.
I am not sure, but perhaps I could find enough people
and we could do a co-op right here in Palm Beach! Any takers?

Ok, here is the menu plan for this week:

Breakfasts: Hot Quinoa Breakfast Cereal, Eggs and Toast, Pancakes

Leftovers, Chicken Salad Sandwiches,

Snacks: Smoothies w/ Kefir and Berries, and
Playgroup Granola Bars


Monday: Chicken Pot Pie

Tuesday: Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce and Garlic Bread

Wednesday: Leftover Chicken Pot Pie and Spaghetti- Still not back to making a meal every night yet!

Shepherd's Pie- I use my own recipe, but this one is pretty good too! Uses Carrots and Celery from Produce Share

Friday: Chicken Fajita's served with Sauteed Red Peppers and Onions from Produce Share

Saturday: Slow Cooker Beef Stew- Uses Carrots, Potatoes and Celery from Produce share. I will also have broccoli on the side.

Sunday: Easy Garlic Broiled Chicken with Carrot Rice and Chunky Jerusalem Artichoke Potato Mash


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