Thursday, December 31, 2009

Final Thursday Thoughts of 2009

Pretty pathetic that I've only had about 4 Thursday Thoughts
for all of 2009,
but why not finish it off with a bang!

I was driving in my car this morning, thinking about my life and where I wanted it to go...yup, I'm the driver for MY life
(or so I think I am)...

Anyway, I was thinking about how my life had changed since I woke up to the reality
that we don't have endless amounts of fake money through credit cards.

That was a year ago..almost exactly.
In some ways,
life seemed easier then because I was blissfully ignorant.

But in NEW ways, life is WAY more sweet.
I have had to change my perspective on life, and learn
(yes, I said learn)
to cherish my family and spending time together.

I did not grow up in a family that spent that much time together, but when we did, I truly enjoyed it. I want those treasured memories for my children...
but it does not come naturally for me.
I REALLY have to work at "creating" quality, family time.
That's why my New Year's Resolution is to invoke a Weekly Family Night.

Brian, my husband, remembers having them
growing up and they are some of his favorite childhood memories.

I have learned to accept the fact that I am not a "natural" family person, but when I do settle into that role, there is nothing sweeter...

Have an amazing blessed New Year and resolve to cherish your family every day of your life...


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